Balinese Massage Therapy is an alternative technique which involves locating pressure points along the Meridian Lines through kneading and manipulating soft tissue. This therapy helps prevent sports injuries, treat existing injuries, improve performance, reduce stress and free the body from toxins. Balinese Massage Therapy is a ‘hands on’ treatment using a combination of massage and stretching, which strengthens and releases the soft tissue (muscles, fascia and tendons) and increases the range of movement in joints.

Balinese Massage Therapy is not just for the sports person. Anyone can benefit from it whether suffering from poor circulation and low energy, tiredness, depression or lethargy, Balinese Massage can assist with recovery. It is a deeper and more intense massage which involves stretching, compression, friction, toning and trigger point response techniques.

People describe Balinese massage as both relaxing and energizing.

Balinese Massage Therapy is a complementary alternative therapy that works with modern medicine.